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Friday, April 12, 2013

Let me sing you the Waltz

...out of nowhere, out of my thoughts,
let me sing you the Waltz,
about this one night stand.

Richard Linklater made another movie everyone remembers. What makes a movie "cult" in our Western comprehension? It must touch universal meanings, some images or emotions everyone carries in one's brain or the heart.

Before Sunset is the typical conversation movie. Two people who shared a teenager's style one night stand meet 9 years later by chance ( or by no chance ...?) in Paris during a bookfair.

Celine jumps from one guy into another but at the core she is lonely 30-something with a cat and Jesse is a suerficially stable dad of two and by now somebody's husband.

What is typical for Linklater he does not leave a clue how it ends. Wether Jesse stays with Celine and goes for a divorce? This is left painfully unanswered and every person who watches the movie has one own individual answer to this question depending on what he or she believes in.

My mathematical brain never really understood how is it even possible to do a story about a one night stand. The guy got what he wanted, used bit of charming chitchat and went his own way, it happens and it will happen.

Until recently when I realised that we all have at least one special memory we share with someone who is deep in the brain somewhere and always will be, and that not everything is so strictly black and white.

I missed the ending, I wanted Jesse and Celine be together as a source of hope. But now I guess it is more a challenge, a "what will you do with your story of the kind?" question. I must find my own answer for it. 

And now let me sing you a Waltz for a night: